English Conference Information

The 82nd Annual Conference of Japanese Educational Research Association

1 Greeting

 The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Educational Research Association will be held at Tokyo Metropolitan University on Thursday, August 24, Saturday, August 26 and Sunday, August 27, 2023, in a hybrid format (online and on-site).

 This year’s annual conference will be held by the Joint Executive Committee of Tokyo Metropolitan University and Hosei University. We will play a role as a venue school while taking advantage of the joint hosting. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

There are concerns about the re-spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the outlook remains uncertain. Thus, unlike the usual schedule and format, we will hold research presentations (general research presentations and thematic research presentations) and round tables only online (real-time interactive) on the first day (August 24) . On the second day (August 26) and the third day (August 27) , Research presentations for special topics Symposium, and General Meeting will be held both on-site (face-to-face) and online (videoconferencing system) . Please see the Time schedule below.

Below is the current status of conference preparations. More detailed information will be provided in the next issue of this Newsletter. As this will be the first time for us to use a hybrid format, there are many unfamiliarities that may cause you some concern, but the Executive Committee will do its best to make the convention a fulfilling experience. We look forward to your participation.

Fumiaki ARAI, Tokyo Metropolitan University Chair of Executive Committee for the 82nd Annual Meeting of JERA

2 Time Schedule

2-1 Time Table

2-2 Form of Events

August 24: Online interactive live streaming
August 26: Hybrid: Face-to-face onsite and Online interactive live streaming
August 27: Hybrid: Face-to-Face onsite and Online interactive live streaming

<ONSITE> Tokyo Metropolitan University (Minami-Osawa Campus)
1-1, Minami-Osawa, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo, Japan 192-0397      

<Online> To be announced after August 18th to applicants

2-3 Schedule: Application for presentation, Registration, and Delivery of information

April 10Apply for research presentation (presentation, Roundtable for August 24)
May 8Application deadline
>>>Program Organization<<<
July 10Program releas / Conference Registration (- 8.19)
July 24Abstract submission deadline
August 14Conference registration deadline
August 18PW for online participation sent / Abstracts available to public

3 Fee

General member3,000(JPY)
Student member1,000(JPY)
Temporary member3,000(JPY)
Temporary student member1,000(JPY)
※Symposiums are open to public (registration needed without fee)

4 Presentation

 As in previous years, there will be two types of research presentations by members: “A: General Research Presentations” (ONLY IN JAPANESE) and “B: Theme-based Research Presentations”. Members who wish to present their research in either of these categories are free to apply. In “A: General Research Presentations,” subcommittees will be organized by research area. In the “B Thematic Research Presentations,” breakout sessions will be organized to focus on specific themes related to various research issues.

4-1 Sessions

 The following breakout sessions are scheduled to be held. However, please be advised that the section meetings may be renamed or reorganized depending on the number of applications for research presentations.

【A: General Research Presentations】
A-1 Educational theory, thought and philosophy
A-2 History of education
A-3 School System and Management
A-4 Educational Administration and Law
A-5 Comparative and international education
A-6 Educational Methods and Curriculum
A-7 Life guidance
A-8 Subject Education
A-9 Development and Education
A-10 Technical and vocational education
A-11 Early Childhood Education and Care
A-12 Elementary and Secondary Education
A-13 Higher and post-secondary education
A-14 Teacher Education
A-15 Social Education/Lifelong Learning
A-16 Educational Psychology
A-17 Counseling and educational consultation
A-18 Special Education and Special Needs Education
A-19 Library and Educational Informatics

【B: Theme-based Research Presentations】
B-1 Issues in Citizenship Education
B-2 School Realities and the Challenges of Education Reform
B-3 Global Trends in Education Reform
B-4 Transition Process Transformation and Schools for Young People
B-5 Gender and Education
B-6 Reform Trends in Moral Education
B-7 Teacher Policy
B-8 Issues in Postwar Educational History
B-9 Rethinking Pedagogy
B-10 Children’s Issues, Education and Welfare
B-11 Disasters and Pedagogical Research
B-12 Educational Issues from Global Perspectives (English Session)

4-2 Application

 Please refer to the presentation application page for details. (Only in Japanese)

4-2-1 Rules for Application

 As a general rule, only one research presentation is allowed per person, both individual and joint. However, even individual presenters may apply for joint presentations if they are not the oral presenters (those marked with a circle in the program).
 This does not apply to round tables (it is possible to apply for both round table and research presentation).
 Please select up to your third choice for both “A: General Research Presentation” and “B: Thematic Research Presentation”. Depending on the theme of your presentation and the number of applications, you may be asked to move between “A General Research Presentation” and “B Thematic Research Presentation”.
 Presentation times will be decided by the Executive Committee. Please note that it is not possible to apply for a specific time slot for a presentation.

4-2-2 Eligibility

 Only those who are either (1) members of the Society who have already paid their dues for fiscal year 2022 through May 8, or (2) have completed the application process for membership for fiscal year 2023 by May 8 and have prepaid their dues for fiscal year 2023 will be eligible to present their research.

4-2-3 Presentation time

 Individual research presentation: 25 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for questions

 Joint research presentation: 50 minutes for presentation + 10 minutes for questions

 *The presentation time for a single oral presenter, even in a joint research project, is the same as for an individual research presentation.

4-2-4 Submission of Presentation Abstracts

 Those who have applied for a presentation are requested to submit (upload) a 2-page PDF abstract of your presentation in accordance with the “Instructions for Preparation of Presentation Manuscripts” (posted on the conference website) via web registration. Please note that the third and succeeding pages will not be published if the volume of the abstract exceeds the limit. The submission period is from Friday, July 1 to Saturday, July 24. Please strictly observe the deadline.
 The contents of the proceedings will be made publicly available on J-STAGE, the research information database of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).

5 Roundtables

 This will be held only in Japanese, please see details at Japanese webpage.